In the quiet summer of 2024, TheTreeTap was created with the hope of showcasing great and underappreciated literature from new writers who struggle for a platform. Millions of stories, poems, and articles are written every year, building upon a mountain of literature. And yet, up to 99% of said works remain unread, floating through the literary void, lacking attention, and eventually vanishing to history beneath the constant pile of newer works.
Well, here at TheTreeTap, we want to change that. We want to give writers the voice they deserve. The ability to query, publish, and build a nest of proud writings. Or, if rejected for submission, receive encouraging and constructive feedback so they may succeed with future submissions.
Thus, our mission remains digging up literary diamonds and to showcase the best authors who, we believe, are truly underappreciated for their efforts.
To achieve this, and operate consistently and effectively, we are relentlessly searching for and reading works written and published across the internet that have been denied the credit they deserve.
Additionally, we employ a team of writers who, alongside the diamonds we do find, bolster the monthly publications with their own essays, critiques, commentaries, poetry, or stories in the hope of entirely quenching your literary thirst. That being said, our writers have no party line; their only allegiance is to clarity of thought, elegance of expression and independence of opinion, with a diverse range of writers from left to right, and circumstances from high life to low life.
However, we appreciate at times we cannot achieve a consistent, monthly body of work alone. Therefore, contributions are much welcomed, and if you have an idea you wish to write for us we encourage you to submit a proposal (more information can be found on the ‘contributions’ page).
We hope you enjoy our content.
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